Click the Toggle a bookmark button on the Text Editor toolbar.
——期刊摘选Without the person having realized it, the text editor may be infected with a virus.
在无人意识到的情况下, 这个文本编辑程序可能会染上了一种病毒.
互联网To achieve a basic text editor, such as insert, delete, copy, paste and other simple functions.
一个简单的文本编辑器.能实现基本的文本编辑, 如插入, 删除, 复制, 粘贴等简单功能.
——期刊摘选Custom Text supports Python code: The Custom Text Editor now supports Python code.
自定义字符支持Python代码: 自定义字符编辑器现在支持Python代码.
——期刊摘选For example, one setting in the Tabs, Basic, Text Editor, Options dialog box is Tab size.
例如, “选项卡” 、 “基本” 、 “文本编辑器”和“选项”对话框中的一项设置为“选项卡大小”.
期刊摘选Select the Complete Word toolbar button from the Text Editor toolbar.
期刊摘选If the. htACCESS file isn't visible, you can create one within a plain text editor.
如果. htACCESS文件不能显现, 你可以在纯文本编辑器中创建.
期刊摘选While editing your XML Schema, the Text Editor toolbar's commands ( or the toolbar itself ) are unavailable.
编辑“XML架构”时, “文本编辑器”工具栏的命令 ( 或该工具栏本身 ) 不可用.
期刊摘选Select the Quick Info toolbar button from the Text Editor toolbar.
期刊摘选RDesk , another browser, has a fine text editor built in.
另一种浏览器 RDesk 就有一个很好的内置文本编辑器.
期刊摘选Landscape mode for Text Editor.
期刊摘选A browser and a simple text editor is all you need.
期刊摘选Set the Drag and drop text editing option in the General , Text Editor , Options Dialog Box.
期刊摘选For more information about the Code Editor, see Code and Text Editor.
有关代码编辑器的更多信息, 请参见代码和文本编辑器.
期刊摘选For more information, see Tabs, All Languages, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box.
有关更多信息, 请参见“选项”对话框->“文本编辑器”->“所有语言”->“制表符”.
期刊摘选CEditView a view that provides a simple multiline text editor.
期刊摘选Java files can be used with any text editor to open.
期刊摘选The most common text processing application is probably your favorite text editor.
期刊摘选Click Edit code to open the text editor at the existing function.
期刊摘选A text editor is different from a word processor.
期刊摘选The function is opened in a text editor that you can use edit the SQL statements.
期刊摘选Within the Text Editor folder expand the All Languages subfolder, and then choose Tabs.
在“文本编辑器”文件夹中展开“所有语言”子文件夹, 再选择“制表符”.
期刊摘选This sample will show you how use TextBox for the Simple Text Editor.
期刊摘选River International Information Port has a strong text editor, software development, systems management and marketing team.
图们江国际信息港拥有阵容强大的文字编辑 、 软件开发 、 系统管理和市场营销队伍.
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